
Rina Banerjee, who was born in Kolkata, India and lives in New York, works with a cosmopolitan eclecticism that reflects both her transnational background and her sophisticated understanding of the narrative power of objects. Using trinkets made for the tourist trade — horn, bone, feathers, shells, textiles, glass bottles and antiques — she assembles rapturous sculptures that are mystifyingly shamanistic, yet overflowing with connotation. Her works are hyper-ornamented and lushly seductive. Conjoining rarities with cheap, mass-produced bric-a-brac, she appropriates extravagantly while rejecting hierarchies of material, culture and value.


In Banerjee’s paintings and delicate drawings on paper, female figures float in chimerical landscapes, often in states of transformation or with hybrid features of birds and beasts. Her titles are long, free-form refrains that immerse the viewer in the physical and emotional space of the work, heightening its quasi-mystical magnetism.


In a 2011 feature in Artforum, Banerjee describes the foundations of her work:


My mother told me that my first name is special because it is not typical in India—it is spelled differently. Hence, I was free to be what I wanted, or so I presumed. I was born in Calcutta, but I grew up in London and, then, New York, where I now live. Growing up abroad [as we called it] was a strange experience in the 1960s; there were so few Indians in the West. My parents saw themselves as international citizens. Maybe they imagined a future that we are just beginning to glimpse. I dream of this willingness to close the gaps between cultures, communities, and places. I think of identity as inherently foreign; of heritage as something that leaks away from the concept of home—as happens when one first migrates. Even my interest in science embodies an awareness of other worlds, worlds that coexist with us, but which we cannot experience or know. The sky, the stars, and the earth contain so much more than we think.


Freedom is the most expensive commodity; nature the most dangerous beauty. My work examines both. My art depicts a delicate world that is also aggressive, tangled, manipulated, fragile, and very, very dense.

  • Rina Banerjee, Unseasonably Submerged, under the reddest algae and her magnetic electrification a super unnatural being beneath yearned lingered waiting for rebirth on earth, 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    Unseasonably Submerged, under the reddest algae and her magnetic electrification a super unnatural being beneath yearned lingered waiting for rebirth on earth, 2024
    acrylic on canvas
    36 x 96 in
    91.4 x 243.8 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Morning dove, morning love., 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    Morning dove, morning love., 2024
    acrylic, ink, collage and copper leaf on paper
    18 x 24 in
    45.7 x 61 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, So you heard me the Brown-headed Nuthatch crow, climb high free me, my heart, my vote., 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    So you heard me the Brown-headed Nuthatch crow, climb high free me, my heart, my vote., 2024
    acrylic, ink and collage on paper
    24 x 18 in
    61 x 45.7 cm
  • Am image of installation piece with feathers, lamp shade, and light bulbs
    Rina Banerjee
    I ask my mother what will I be? Will I be strong, will I have courage, will I be happy? My mother she answers with this - The future is yours to make, 2016
    Plastic net cloth, resin replica horn of the American buffalo, copper dirty eyes in enamel, cowry shell, brass and copper wire, copper armature, Burt out light bulbs, oversized 500 watt light bulbs, pigeon feather fans, steel chain in white enamel, 2 s hooks in steel, 1 steel armature
    96 high x 60 inches in diamater
  • Rina Banerjee, Our temper to surrender with no anger seeded, our weighted and tempered steely and stole tresses or our curled, bleached blonde mustaches all neglected in grooming now, quietly eaten., 2021
    Rina Banerjee
    Our temper to surrender with no anger seeded, our weighted and tempered steely and stole tresses or our curled, bleached blonde mustaches all neglected in grooming now, quietly eaten., 2021
    ink, acrylic, collage and gold leaf on paper
    16 x 12 in
    40.6 x 30.5 cm
  • An image of an eye with a beard used silk fabric, freshwater pearls, gold wire, glass, plastic, steel and porcelain
    Rina Banerjee
    Bearded Eye, 2015
    silk fabric, freshwater pearls, gold wire, glass, plastic, steel and porcelain
    21 x 10 x 12 inches
  • Rina Banerjee, Warm marigolds, floating homeland, how much further from where I began can I travel in either direction away, away, within reminders of being foreign fading into salty horizons., 2021
    Rina Banerjee
    Warm marigolds, floating homeland, how much further from where I began can I travel in either direction away, away, within reminders of being foreign fading into salty horizons., 2021
    acrylic on paper
    15 x 11 in
    38.1 x 27.9 cm
  • An image of a stell structure with textiles and materials.
    Rina Banerjee
    flourish me different in wind and drift and breezes set sale always in motion and mindful adaptation, in not yet settled in fertile selection, in open folds and ceaseless creases, in remote reaches this was wrinkled and snagged touched stopped with what , 2014
    steel structure, textiles, beads, feathers, thread, bulbs
    36 x 40 x 20 in
    91.4 x 101.6 x 50.8 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, 400 million years ago, this species type evolved and they could hover, take flight glide in skirts and stretch accelerating currents in water avoiding predators, she could even be forgotten, make herself invisible while being seen and despite her celestia, 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    400 million years ago, this species type evolved and they could hover, take flight glide in skirts and stretch accelerating currents in water avoiding predators, she could even be forgotten, make herself invisible while being seen and despite her celestia, 2024
    acrylic on canvas
    36 x 96 in
    91.4 x 243.8 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Spoken to like earthquake, like mistakes, felt like heavy pancakes, made me shake, melt like ice cream on hot days., 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    Spoken to like earthquake, like mistakes, felt like heavy pancakes, made me shake, melt like ice cream on hot days., 2024
    acrylic, ink, collage and copper leaf on paper
    24 x 18 in
    61 x 45.7 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Affinity and intimacy, no excess of miracles could explain my elephant my self as one., 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    Affinity and intimacy, no excess of miracles could explain my elephant my self as one., 2024
    acrylic, ink and collage on paper
    22 x 15 in
    55.9 x 38.1 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Runaway in rope, liberty protested mirrored in records of menials, natives, and female messages. Massages to the law extenuated imbalances breast cloth agitation of 1813 gave authority a dosage patriarchal intoxication., 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    Runaway in rope, liberty protested mirrored in records of menials, natives, and female messages. Massages to the law extenuated imbalances breast cloth agitation of 1813 gave authority a dosage patriarchal intoxication., 2024
    Murano glass monkey, spinner’s wheel, drying rack, vintage iron hook & pulley, assorted synthetic, cotton and jute rope, four iron wheels, shells, fish nets, painted gourds, wire, red and green synthetic hair extensions, metal fish cake mold, watermelon net bags, vintage handheld mirrors, sequins, sand, pigeon and pheasant feathers, horseshoe crab shells, light bulbs
    dimensions variable
  • A brown skinned person kneels, surrounded by multicolored nature imagery.
    Rina Banerjee
    Mother gathered Three or no more dirty black stones, tossed them to sky that could break what had hardened her ground and without frown or flirt of flower father like grease or butter slipped aside to free her from forty and some more grown men who held h, 2017
    acrylic on two wood panels with sequin fabric and collage
    80 x 40 x 2 in
    203.2 x 101.6 x 5.1 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Lucy and Billy broke the rope punished by winter's curls and prickly girls spring arrived., 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    Lucy and Billy broke the rope punished by winter's curls and prickly girls spring arrived., 2024
    acrylic, ink and copper leaf on paper
    30 x 22 in
    76.2 x 55.9 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Head Strong, in new skin, this bird she could walk strong going forward in bare feet, iron feet, ballsy and benevolent she wheeled freedom out and about like her sun's rays, 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    Head Strong, in new skin, this bird she could walk strong going forward in bare feet, iron feet, ballsy and benevolent she wheeled freedom out and about like her sun's rays, 2024
    upholstered head, brocade fabric, cobbler shoe forms, beads, shells, gilt wood bird, serving spoons, synthetic hair, tassels, light bulbs
    25 x 13 x 13 in
    63.5 x 33 x 33 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Monsters with an eagle eye., 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    Monsters with an eagle eye., 2024
    acrylic, ink, collage, copper and platinum leaf on paper
    30 x 22 in
    76.2 x 55.9 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Out of hollowness of world She punctured tight twisted curled horn, meaty teeth a wagon of emotion, 2017/2024
    Rina Banerjee
    Out of hollowness of world She punctured tight twisted curled horn, meaty teeth a wagon of emotion, 2017/2024
    silk, nets, sequins, beads, bottles, shells, feathers, Murano glass, gourd
    50 x 39 x 21 in
    127 x 99.1 x 53.3 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, unlike "Two peas in a pod," peanuts or golden droplets, like matrimonial dangers, a mixed bag on her lap, aloha to horizons which can be wide open, she met she, was sweetened and she was wakened and gregarious often articulate but quiet, how nice to see d, 2021
    Rina Banerjee
    unlike "Two peas in a pod," peanuts or golden droplets, like matrimonial dangers, a mixed bag on her lap, aloha to horizons which can be wide open, she met she, was sweetened and she was wakened and gregarious often articulate but quiet, how nice to see d, 2021
    acrylic on paper
    16 x 12 in
    40.6 x 30.5 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Standing trial by man and the family of Man denied she wore the hardest but turtle shells on her mossy back heels dug on hers alone a golden island with foaming waters at edge, exhausted by humanity his fears of others, mothers, girls and boys that could , 2019
    Rina Banerjee
    Standing trial by man and the family of Man denied she wore the hardest but turtle shells on her mossy back heels dug on hers alone a golden island with foaming waters at edge, exhausted by humanity his fears of others, mothers, girls and boys that could , 2019
    acrylic and gold leaf on wood panel
    20 x 16 in
    50.8 x 40.6 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Friendly Fire, 2015
    Rina Banerjee
    Friendly Fire, 2015
    steel structure, textiles, beads, feathers, thread, bulbs
    58 x 48 x 32 in
    147.3 x 121.9 x 81.3 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Relocation? is this a dislocation? An undercover twisted formation? migration trapped in geography and distress of growing garbage of plastic bags in the sea, she in sea to shining sea, America reminded her, her of her or he as she not to be confused by a, 2019
    Rina Banerjee
    Relocation? is this a dislocation? An undercover twisted formation? migration trapped in geography and distress of growing garbage of plastic bags in the sea, she in sea to shining sea, America reminded her, her of her or he as she not to be confused by a, 2019
    acrylic and copper leaf on paper
    30 x 22 in
    76.2 x 55.9 cm
  • An image of a woman sitting down and stretching her arms out,
    Rina Banerjee
    I am all that could stretch, 2014
    Acrylic and ink and sari cloth silk with gold thread embroidery
    12 x 9 inches
  • Rina Banerjee, The immigrant, in that instant of arrival when identity strikes to overtake a consciousness divide above and below, what is seen is also unknowable, upside down and sideways., 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    The immigrant, in that instant of arrival when identity strikes to overtake a consciousness divide above and below, what is seen is also unknowable, upside down and sideways., 2024
    acrylic, ink and collage on paper
    18 1/2 x 24 in
    47 x 61 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Blue jays at the bird feeder, five legs of all beak and muster, a nervous hunter weary of others at the hole in flutter, in sun hit my shutter., 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    Blue jays at the bird feeder, five legs of all beak and muster, a nervous hunter weary of others at the hole in flutter, in sun hit my shutter., 2024
    acrylic and ink on paper
    22 x 30 in
    55.9 x 76.2 cm
  • Rina Banerjee, Her GPS disobeyed her commitments, her afternoon pool dates, even her poker games but not her gambling debts so she flew like strong bird a yellow lady finch, not house finch in clever stripes of one hundred marks., 2024
    Rina Banerjee
    Her GPS disobeyed her commitments, her afternoon pool dates, even her poker games but not her gambling debts so she flew like strong bird a yellow lady finch, not house finch in clever stripes of one hundred marks., 2024
    acrylic, ink, collage and copper leaf on paper
    30 x 22 in
    76.2 x 55.9 cm
Art Fairs